Lacerta agilis chersonensis  ANDRZEJOWSKI, 1832

Lacerta agilis chersonensis  ANDRZEJOWSKI, 1832

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  • Ananjeva, N.B. & Borkin, L.Y. & Darevsky, I.S. & Orlov, N.L. (1998) -  Amphibii i presmykajushchiesya. (Field Guide of amphibians and reptiles of Russia and adjacent countries). -  AFB, Moscow. 574 pp.  

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  • Borcea, M. (1974) -  Analiza unor caractere metrice sicalitative la Lacerta agilis chersonensis Andrzejowski din Moldava. -  Studii şi Cercetặri Biologie, Seria Zoologie, 26 (4): 225-232.  

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  • Borcea, M. (1978) -  Ciclul anual de activitate la Lacerta agilis chersonensis din Moldova. -  Studii şi Cercetặri Biologie, Seria Biologie Animală, 30 (2): 171-176.   

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  • Grozdanov, A.P. & Tzankov, N.D. (2014) -  Analysis and comparison of sexual size dimorphism in two lacertid species in Bulgaria. -  Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, Sofia, 20 (Supplement 1) 2014: 139–142    

  • Grozdanov, A.P. & Tzanlov, N.D. & Andres, C. & Popova, S.G. (2014) -  Microhabitat use in sand lizard - Lacerta agilis chersonensis (Squamata, Lacertidae) as an indicator for planning of different management practices for pastures. -  Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, Sofia, 20 (6): 1386-1391.     

  • Karmishev, Y. & Yarigin, O. (2013) -  Reproductive features of several Ukrainian True Lizards (Lacertidae). -  Biological Bulletin, 1: 59-64.     

  • Kukushkin, O.V. & Ermakov, O.A. & Ivanov, A.Yu. & Doronin, I.V. & Sviridenko, E.Yu. & Simonov, E.P. & Gorelov, R.A. & Khramova, M.A. & Blokhin, I.G. (2020) -  Cytochrome b mitochondrial gene analysis-based phylogeography of a Sand lizard in the Crimea: ancient refugium at the peninsula, late expansion from the North, and first evidence of Lacerta agilis tauridica and L. a. exigua (Lacertidae: Sauria) hybridization. -  Proceedings of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, 324 (1): 56-99.  

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  • Peskov, V. & Maljuk, A. & Matveev, A. (2013) -  Variability of Morphometric Characters, Morphological and Population Diversity of Individuals in the Population of Lacerta agilis chersonensis (Squamata, Lacertidae).  -  Proceedings of the Ukrain Herpetology Society 4: 123-131.  

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  • Tuniyev, S.B. & Tuniyev, B.S. (2008) -  Intraspecific variation of the Sand lizard (Lacerta agilis) from the Western Caucasus and description of a new subspecies Lacerta agilis mzymtensis ssp. nov. (REPTILIA: SAURIA). -  Russian Journal of Herpetology, Moscow, 15 (1): 55-66.    

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