Instructions for authors
„DIE EIDECHSE“ publishes articles on keeping, breeding, ecology, behavior, distribution and conservation of lizards of the family Lacertidae.
By editing “DIE EIDECHSE” we intended from the beginning to motivate many potential authors, particularly amateur herpetologists, to publish their often broad knowledge. Therefore, very restrictive guidelines do not exist. However, before preparing manuscripts, we ask our authors to read thoroughly already published articles in “DIE EIDECHSE” in order to follow their general structure. Please note that literatre should be listed at the end of your article and should refer only to publications cited in the text. In general, we accept legible handwritten notes as well as typewritten manuscripts. Articles should not exceed 8 to 10 pages (DIN A4). Papers may be submitted in German or English. Each article should include a short German and English summary.
Tables and illustrations should not be included in the text but should be numbered consecutively and submitted on seperate pages. Illustrations (.jpg or .tiff) should be at least 1500 pixels wide (12 cm at 300 dpi). Illustration legends should also be listed as a seperate file.
Please submit your manuscript by e-mail (max. 10 MB) to one of the editors.
At present, we are not able to produce reprints. However, our authors will receive three additional copies of the issue containing their article. By request additional copies can be purchased at prime cost.