×The present work constitutes an historical atlas of all known bibliographic records of amphib- ians and reptiles of Angola. It is the first attempt to compile in a single document all the records scattered through hundreds of publications, published from the first half of the nineteenth century to the present day, and provide a critical taxonomic revision of the herpetofauna of the country. An introductory text discusses the Angolan socio-political and physiographic landscape, the history of herpetological research in the country, and the diversity, distribution and endemism of Angolan her- petofauna. It also provides a summary of the conservation concerns surrounding the herpetological fauna. For each taxon noted in the literature we provide a detailed taxonomic account, including data on the original description, its IUCN assessment status, global distribution, georeferenced records for each known occurrence in Angola (accompanied by a point locality map), and taxo- nomic and distributional notes. A synoptic list of all documented Angolan amphibian and reptile species is provided as are lists of taxa previously erroneously assigned to the Angolan fauna. We recognize 117 species of frogs and 278 species of reptiles as occurring in Angola, although many of these represent species complexes or are currently recognized under names of convenience pending taxonomic evaluation. In one instance we provide a replacement name, Trachylepis monardi nom. nov., to deal with an instance of secondary homonymy. The Atlas is intended to be a working reference for both current research and conservation planning, as well as a catalyst for future work.The interest shown by specialists in the study of Angolan specimens dates back more than one hundred years. Since the nineteenth century, books and papers have been published on the topic as the result of these investigations. The first major bibliographic reference about the Angolan herpetofauna, Herpétologie d’Angola et du Congo by José Vicente Barbosa du Bocage, dates from 1895. Many researchers and publications followed, greatly enriching the scientific bibliography on the topic. However, the scattered nature of the published works, as well as the dearth of available specimens from earlier times, has made it difficult for researchers, scholars or curious amateurs to access to this information. Because of these difficulties, and to facilitate the access to available data on the Angolan herpetofauna, the Ministry of Environment, through its National Institute of Biodiversity and Conservation Areas, decided to present, in a single volume, all the available scientific records published so far on the diversity of amphibians and reptiles. Such a task, which has its basis in the National Strategy and Action Plan for Biodiversity and Conservation Areas of Angola, was dependent upon the helpful collaboration of important international partners.
The present Atlas will be of inestimable assistance to the study of the Natural History of Ango- la, not only because of its standardized taxonomic and geographical accounts with distribution maps for all of the amphibians and reptiles known in Angola, but also because of its competent approach to the physiography, climate, biomes, historical herpetological research in Angola, conservation, and other topics. The thoughtful way the book is arranged, with straightforward text, clear tables and interesting figures, makes it easy for even laymen to read and understand.
At 501 pages long, profusely documented and richly illustrated, this Atlas provides a grand guided tour through the diversity of the Angolan herpetofauna, from the most remote and spectac- ular places of the country. Through mountains and escarpments, plains and valleys, savannas and dense forests, rivers and streams, lakes and lagoons, this work encompasses the entire country, aking us on an enlightening tour of knowledge.
The methodical labor and persistence of the specialists who produced the present work, ensure that it not only contributes to scientific history, through its compilation of research already completed, but also suggests future directions for researchers and scholars devoted to the topic. Further, this substantial volume will also inform the national authorities with respect to environ- ment protection and conservation policies.
Given all this, one can see that the present work, reflecting the contributions of the men and women who created it, is destined to become a standard reference to the scientific literature of the country, especially in regard to this part of its fauna. The quality of the scientific information poured into the following pages certainly qualifies the authors of this accurate work as leading herpetologists and places them among the important researchers to have served Angola in the course of its scientific history.