Timon lepidus oteroi  (CASTROVIEJO & MATEO, 1998)

Timon lepidus oteroi  (CASTROVIEJO & MATEO, 1998)

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  • Arets, M.H.M. (2016) -  Europese Parelhagedissen - soorten en ondersoorten van het geslacht Timon. -  Lacerta, 74 (2): 58-81.  

  • Arets, M.H.M. (2016) -  Europese Parelhagedissen - soorten en ondersoorten van het geslacht Timon. -  Lacerta, 74 (2): 58-81.  

  • Arets, M.H.M. (2017) -  Europäische Perleidechsen: Arten und Unterarten der Gattung Timon. -  L@CERTIDAE, 2017 [6]: 168-182.    

  • Arribas, O.J. (1999) -  Phylogeny and relationships of the Mountain lizards of Europe and Near East (Archaeolacerta MERTENS, 1921 sensu lato) and their relationships among the Eurasian lacertid radiation. -  Russian Journal of Herpetology, 6 (1): 1-22.  

  • Arribas, O.J. (2017) -  Oteroi/oteroorum and raffonei/raffoneae: The difference between grammatical correctness and validity in Zoological Nomenclature -  Butlletí de la Societat Catalana d’Herpetologia, Barcelona, 24: 29-32.    

  • Castroviejo, J. & Mateo, J.A. (1998) -  Una nueva subespecie de Lacerta lepida DAUDIN, 1802 (Sauria, Lacertidae) para la Isla de Salvora (Espana). -  Publicaciones Asociación Amigos de Doñana, 12: 1-21.  

  • Michels, J.P. & Bauer, A.M. (2004) -  Some corrections to the scientific names of amphibians and reptiles. -  Bonner zoologische Beiträge, Bonn, 52 (1/2): 83-94.  

  • Peek, R. (2017) -  Identification and characterization of a small sized morph of ocellated lizard (Timon lepidus DAUDIN, 1802) from central Spain. -  L@CERTIDAE, 2017 [1]: 1-12.