Psammodromus edwarsianus   (DUGÈS, 1829)

Psammodromus edwarsianus   (DUGÈS, 1829)

Order by:  
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  • Carretero, M.A. & Llorente, G.A. (1991) -  Alimentación de Psammodromus hispanicus en un arenal costero del noreste ibérico. -  Revista Española de Herpetología, 6: 31-44.  

  • Carretero, M.A. & Llorente, G.A. (1991) -  Reproducción de Psammodromus hispanicus en una arenal costero del nordeste ibérico. -  Amphibia-Reptilia, 12 (4): 395-408.  

  • Carretero, M.A. & Llorente, G.A. (1993) -  Ecología térmica y actividad en una población costera de Psammodromus hispanicus. -  Revista Española de Herpetología, 7: 21-32.  

  • Carretero, M.A. & Llorente, G.A. (1997) -  Reproduction of Psammodromus algirus in coastal sandy areas of NE Spain. -  Amphibia-Reptilia, 18 (4): 369-382.    

  • Carretero, M.A. & Martínez-Solano, Í. & Ayllón, E. & Llorente, G. (2018) -  Lista patrón de los anfibios y reptiles de España (Actualizada a diciembre de 2018). -  Asociación Herpetológica Española. 83 pp.  

  • Castilla, A.M. & Van Damme, R. & Bauwens, D. (1999) -  Field body temperatures, mechanisms of thermoregulation and evolution of thermal characteristics in lacertid lizards. -  Natura Croatica, Zagreb, 8 (3): 253-274.    

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  • Crochet, P.-A. (2015) -  Nomenclatural issues in the Psammodromus hispanicus (Squamata: Lacertidae) species group.  -  Zootaxa, 3964 (1): 149-150.     

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  • Doniol-Valcroze, P. & Geniez, P. & Crochet, P.-A. (2023) -  Updates to the ranges of Psammodromus edwarsianus, P. hispanicus, and P. occidentalis in the Iberian Peninsula based on citizen science and new genetic data.  -  Herpetology Notes, 16: 31-36.   

  • Drechsler, R.M. & Monrós, J.S. (2019) -  Can interspecific competition alter population dynamics? A possible case of three lizard species in a coastal area in Eastern Spain. -  In: Drechsler, R.M. (ed.): La ecologia de los reptiles en un parquet natural antropizado: factores que afectan a su distribución, gestioón y conservación. Tesis Doctoral. pp. 33-47.     

  • Drechsler, R.M. & Monrós, J.S. (2019) -  Diet composition and trophic ecology of three sympatric insectivorous lizard species in a highly anthropized area in the eastern Iberian peninsula. -  In: Drechsler, R.M. (ed.): La ecologia de los reptiles en un parquet natural antropizado: factores que afectan a su distribución, gestioón y conservación. Tesis Doctoral. pp. 63-81.    

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  • Faria, J.F. & Carretero, M.A. & Harris, D.J. (2021) -  Further molecular assessment of the distribution of Spanish sand racers (Lacertidae; Psammodromus). -  Basic and Applied Herpetology, 35. DOI: 10.11160/bah.205     

  • Fischer, J. v. (1884) -  Der Spanische Sandschlüpfer (Psammodromus hispanicus Fitz.) und seine Fortpflanzung in der Gefangenschaft. -  Der Zoologische Garten, Frankfurt/Main, 25: 38-44, 75-82.  

  • Fitze, P.S. (2012) -  Edward´s Sand Racer – Psammodromus edwardsianus (Dugès, 1829).  -  In: Salvador, A. & A. Marco (eds.): Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. 1-18.   

  • Fitze, P.S. & Gonzalez-Jimena, V. & San-Jose, L.M. & San Mauro, D. & Zardoya, R. (2012) -  A new species of sand racer, Psammodromus (Squamata: Lacertidae), from the Western Iberian Peninsula -  Zootaxa 3205: 41–52 (2012)    

  • Fitze, P.S. & Gonzalez-Jimena, V. & San-Jose, L.M. & San Mauro, D. & Aragón, P. & Suarez, T. & Zardoya, R. (2011) -  Integrative analyses of speciation and divergence in Psammodromus hispanicus (Squamata: Lacertidae) -  BMC Evolutionary Biology, 11: 347. 21 pp.    

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  • Gómez, D. & Giner, G. & Roig, J. (2012) -  Noves dades de distribució de la sargantana cendrosa Psammodromus edwardsianus (Dugès, 1829)a Catalunya. -  Butlletí de la Societat Catalana d’Herpetologia, Barcelona, 20: 13-17.     

  • Gorman, G.C. (1969) -  New Chromosome Data for 12 Species of Lacertid Lizards. -  Journal of Herpetology, 3 (1/2): 49-54.  

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  • Harris, D.J. (1999) -  Molecular systematics and evolution of lacertid lizards. -  Natura Croatica, Zagreb, 8 (3): 161-180.    

  • Harris, D.J. & Arnold, E.N. & Thomas, R.H. (1998) -  Relationships of lacertid lizards (Reptilia: Lacertidae) estimated from mitochondrial DNA sequences and morphology. -  Proceedings of the Royal Society, 265: 1939-1948.    

  • Hipsley, C. & Himmelmann L. & Metzler D. & Müller J. (2009) -  Integration of Bayesian molecular clock methods and fossil-based soft bounds reveals early Cenozoic origin of African lacertid lizards. -  BMC Evolutionary Biology, 9: 151.    

  • Horreo, J.L. & Fitze, P. (2015) -  Population structure of three Psammodromus species in the Iberian Peninsula. -  PeerJ 2015, 3. DOI 10.7717/peerj.994.     

  • Horreo, J.L. & Jiménez-Valverde, A. & Fitze, P.S. (2016) -  Ecological change predicts population dynamics and genetic diversity over 120,000 years. -  Global Change Biology, 22 (5): 1737-1745.  

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  • Mendes, J. & Harris, D.J. & Carranza, S. & Salvi, D. (2017) -  Biogeographical crossroad across the Pillars of Hercules: Evolutionary history of Psammodromus lizards in space and time. -  Journal of Biogeography, 44 (12): 2877-2890.    

  • Molina, C. & Tamar, K. & González de la Vega, J.P. & Burriel-Carranza, B. & Fernandez Guiberteau, D. & Carranza, S. (2020) -  New records on the distribution of the Spanish sand racer species (Squamata, Psammodromus) in Spain, Iberian Peninsula. -  Basic and Applied Herpetology, 34: 000-000. Doi: 10.11160/bah.180     

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  • Moreno, J.S. & Jimenez Rodriguez, J.J. & Garcia-Cardenete, L. (2013) -  Lagartija de Edwards Psammodromus edwardsianus.  -  In: Moreno, J.S., Jimenez Rodriguez, J.J. & L. Garcia-Cardenete (eds.): Anfibios y Reptiles de la Gran Senda de Malaga y provincia. - Diputación De Málaga. equipo gran senDa De Málaga. Delegación De Medio ambiente, turismo interior y cambio climático. pp. 126-128.   

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  • Pérez-Quintero, J.C. (2001) -  Thermal biology and activity cycles of two sympatric Psammodromus species in a sandy coastal area. -  In: Vicente, L. & E.G. Crespo (eds.): Mediterranean Basin Lacertid Lizards – A Biologial Approach. 79-86.  

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  • Renet, J. & Dokhelar, T. & Tortosa, T. & Monnet, C. (2024) -  Spring home range and spatiotemporal activity of Edward’s Sand Racer (Psammodromus edwarsianus) in a protected natural area of southern France. -  ecologia mediterranea (2023), 49 (2): 25-36.     

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  • San-Jose, L.M. & Gonzales-Jimena, V. & Fitze, P.S. (2012) -  Patterns of phenotypic variation reveal substantial differentiation in sexual dimorphism of three Psammodromus (Squamata, Lacertidae) species.  -  Contributions to Zoology, 81 (4): 181-197.     

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